Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Spring 2013 Cheese Co-Op Sign-ups

Welcome to the Cheese Co-Op blog! It's time for an exciting Spring semester filled with great cheese. Sign-ups for the Co-Op are now open, and will be until Tuesday, February 5. The gist:  

  • You can sign up to receive one share yourself (100 points per semester), split a share between two people (50 points each per semester), or split a share between three people (34 points per semester). Every other week, you will get a delivery of delicious, local, organic cheeses. There are five deliveries throughout the semester.
  • Members are responsible for picking up their cheeses themselves and for volunteering at least once doing cheese cutting, wrapping, or distribution. The Cheese Co-Op can't function unless everyone pitches in and is only as strong as its members want it to be. Bonding over cheese prep is a beautiful thing and often involves free cheese. 
  • All the points for the semester will be deducted in the first week. 
  • Enjoy delicious cheese! Tell your friends! 
Select an option:

   One person sign-up    -    Two person group sign-up    -   Three person group sign-up

Like us on Facebook for regular Cheese Co-Op updates. Contact wescheesecoop[at]gmail[dot]com if you have any questions. Get excited for the cheese.